Hidden Roarys Experience

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, educational institutions were faced with the challenge of maintaining student engagement and fostering a sense of connection with the campus community. Florida International University (FIU) responded to this challenge by creating an interactive experience known as Hidden Roarys. This initiative aimed to motivate students to safely return to campus through an engaging scavenger hunt while adhering to social distancing guidelines. This case study explores the development and evolution of Hidden Roarys, including its transition to a digital format using Niantic's 8th Wall WebAR platform.

Project Overview

Hidden Roarys was conceived as an exciting scavenger hunt designed to encourage FIU students to explore their campus. The project comprised the following key elements:

  1. Roary Model: A meticulously crafted 3D model of FIU's beloved mascot, Roary, was created using Cinema4D. This model served as the focal point of the challenge.
  2. QR Code Integration: Ingeniously, a hidden compartment within the Roary model housed a QR code that, when scanned, enabled students to win prizes and unlock further engagement.
  3. Clue-Based Gameplay: Participation in Hidden Roarys required students to follow clues posted on FIU's Instagram account and the Hidden Roarys website. These clues provided hints leading to the locations of the concealed Roarys scattered across campus.


  1. Campus Exploration: Hidden Roarys successfully inspired students to venture into diverse corners of FIU's campuses, fostering a deeper connection to their academic environment.
  2. Critical Thinking: Engaging with the challenge demanded students employ their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, enhancing their intellectual engagement.
  3. Community Building: Despite the pandemic's challenges, Hidden Roarys facilitated a sense of community and school spirit, uniting students in a shared adventure.

Transition to Digital Format

In line with FIU's dedication to innovation, Hidden Roarys underwent a digital transformation in Fall 2023, leveraging Niantic's 8th Wall WebAR platform to enhance the student experience. This transition introduced several transformative elements:

  1. Interactive Map: 8th Wall WebAR facilitated the creation of an interactive map that displayed the hidden Roary locations and delivered real-time clues to guide participants.
  2. Augmented Reality (AR): Through their smartphones, students could engage with AR elements at locations, adding an immersive dimension to the challenge, reminiscent of the popular game Pokémon Go.
  3. Enhanced Engagement: The digital adaptation significantly elevated engagement levels, catering to the preferences of today's tech-savvy students and providing a dynamic and captivating experience.


Hidden Roarys at FIU exemplifies an innovative and adaptable approach to engaging students and fostering campus involvement, even in challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic. By seamlessly merging a traditional scavenger hunt with cutting-edge technology, including the utilization of Niantic's 8th Wall WebAR platform, FIU achieved a remarkable balance between tradition and innovation. This initiative not only underscored the university's commitment to delivering exceptional experiences but also showcased its ability to evolve and innovate in response to changing circumstances. Hidden Roarys stands as a shining testament to the synergy of creativity, technology, and campus spirit in creating an enduring and captivating student experience.

Role:AR EngineerBack-End DevelopmentContent StrategyDesignFront-End DevelopmentProject Management3D Modeling

Tools:Cinema4DCR-10S 3D PrinterSubstance Painter8th Wall


View Digital Hidden Roarys

Student that found a hidden roary in Washington DC
Student that found a hidden roary at FIU's Airport Tower building
Student that found a hidden roary panther convocation
Student that found a hidden roary at the Deuxieme Maison building